Chiropractic Care For Seniors: 5 Benefits
Seniors often face unique health challenges that come with aging. While having an appropriate diet and exercise can contribute to good health, the elderly may still find themselves in pain or aches. Many have considered chiropractic at some point. Let’s take a practical and realistic look at the 6 benefits Chiropractic offers for seniors.
1. Relieving pain
Much of the pain and aches stem from musculoskeletal conditions of the spine and back. Such conditions may be related to injuries or prolonged poor posture or something else entirely. Also, bone structures weaken over time, thus aging also means seemingly random painful symptoms. Because Chiropractic care has proven to relieve painful systems through precise adjustments of the spine, Chiropractic has a high probability of bringing about tangible pain-relief. By first diagnosing and then applying gentle but effective treatment, Chiropractic care provides a good chance of solving problems at their “roots”.
2. Increased circulation and energy
Chiropractic care, in addition to correcting the spine for health, also has beneficial effects on the central nervous system. Did you know that how we feel and function daily is closely related to our spinal health? This is why chiropractic adjustments can increase circulation and decrease nervous disorders and symptoms. This results in higher energy levels and heightened mental focus for the seniors, as documented by several journals and testimonials. [“The role of chiropractic care in older adults”; Chiropr Man Therap. 2012; 20: 3].
3. Increased Range of motion of the Spine and Extremities
Chiropractic care, through the adjustment of the spine, has been proven to increase both the range of motion of the spine and the extremities. Increasing a person’s range of motion can positively affect lives in many ways. An increased range of motion means being able to bend down to pick up your grandchildren or to go on a holiday without worrying about sudden aches from walking long distances. This is also one of the reasons why many top professional sporting teams have team chiropractors.
4. Decreased Joint Degeneration
A misaligned spine can cause the premature wearing down of the body. Chiropractic care decreases spinal degeneration and other arthritic changes by normalizing the spinal alignment and reducing abnormal stress on the spine. This means that Chiropractic care is suitable even for seniors who don’t necessarily feel much pain or discomfort, as their Chiropractic treatment will be part of the “prevention is better than cure” mantra, locating and fixing any problems before they pose a tangible threat.
5. Decreased risk of falling
We know the elderly are more prone to falling than others. Chiropractic adjustments can reduce the risk of falls by normalizing the mechanoreceptors of the cervical spine. This means that the spine will be more flexible and receptive to control. Stretching and exercise programs are also prescribed to increase strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination. [Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study”; Neural Plast. 2016; 2016: 3704964.]
Hope this helps=)
Reach out to me on social media, I would love to get to know you.
Timothy Foo
Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Healthy Lifestyle Advocate